Ellips - Product family

A robust design that can withstand its environment.

The Ellipse MSI4 can grade the quality of fruit based on scanning technology. This hi-tech application needs a design that fits but remains functional.
The result a robust design that can withstand its environment.
The product consists of a specially designed housing containing two cameras that cooperate in the fruit grading process.

Sinds de oprichting van het bedrijf in 1989 heeft Ellips zich gericht op de ontwikkeling van optische beoordelings- en sorteertechnologie voor de groente- en fruitmarkt. De voortdurende toewijding aan het ontwikkelen en verbeteren van onze technologie heeft geresulteerd in toonaangevende oplossingen en duizenden klanten die profiteren van ons streven naar continue verbetering. Onze TrueSort™ software draait op elke sorteermachine, van elk merk.

Product introduction

The Ellipse MSI4 can grade the quality of fruit based on scanning technology. This hi-tech application needs a design that fits but remains functional. The alignment of the integrated cameras must be very precise for good performance and fit into a housing that is smaller than its predecessor. Thanks to the unique suspension system, the scanner is able to scan from different angles. The result of a robust design that can withstand its environment.

Product introduction

The Ellipse MSI4 can grade the quality of fruit based on scanning technology. This hi-tech application needs a design that fits but remains functional.


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