Our symbiotic collaboration with imec and Holst Centre

Bernard Grundlehner, Systems Architect at imec & Bastiaan Hemmes, Product Designer at GBO Innovation makers.

Breakthrough Innovations: As a leading research institute, imec, at the innovation center Holst Centre, is at the forefront of on-chip sensor technology. However, to uncover the true potential of such technology in the real world, imec regularly collaborates with design and industrial partners.

One of those partners is the Netherlands-based design agency GBO Innovation makers. In the fruitful and symbiotic collaboration between imec and GBO, where the boundaries between technology and design disappear, the technology is not only adapted for its purpose, but the purpose also shapes the technology.

The question

"At imec, we conduct groundbreaking research and come up with all sorts of innovative applications using sensors and chips," says Bernard Grundlehner, Systems Architect for Connected Health Solutions at imec in Holst Centre. "The tricky part is that a brilliant idea isn’t worth much if it turns out that the application in practice isn’t quite what you had in mind."

"In 2010, we investigated whether we could apply our newly developed wireless EEG amplifier in real tests. Normally, such tests are conducted by placing EEG electrodes with a conductive gel on the scalp. The placement of these sensors must be done very carefully: this not only makes it time-consuming, but it can also only be performed by a professional. Additionally, the electrodes need to be adhered, especially for measurements over a longer period. The electrodes are then connected to an EEG amplifier with wires. Having these electrodes on your head significantly restricts your mobility and can cause quite a bit of discomfort."

"So we asked ourselves, what if we could develop a mobile, consumer-like device that delivers professional results? We had the high-quality sensors required for EEG testing, but we didn’t have the know-how to develop the wearable device we had in mind. That’s why we approached GBO," says Bernard. "We were already collaborating with them — and we still are — on a number of other joint projects."


Render of the Mood 8, the EEG Headset.

The challenge

"Imec has advanced sensors that are ideally suited to capture the electrical activity of the brain, even through hair, using dry electrodes that don’t require any conductive gel. But the challenge was that the sensors had to be placed on the head in a careful, safe manner, without causing any discomfort to the patient. Since no head is the same, we first had to conduct extensive research on how we could arrive at a one-size-fits-all solution," explains Jacques Gramser, Director at GBO.

Bernard: "When GBO succeeded in developing a first, quite technical prototype, imec partnered with a consortium of Japanese research partners to develop a headset for use in research on measuring emotions and cognitive processes. The headset needed to have the look and feel of a consumer product. It had to be comfortable and fit various head sizes and shapes."

Jacques: "We were very aware that — as the saying goes — you never get a second chance to make a first impression! And we knew that the first impression (and the functionalities) of what an extremely professional wearable with a consumer-like look and feel had to be was a matter of 'now or never' for our client. We had a prototype, but this was a unique opportunity to elevate our design to the next level!"

Our contribution

Jacques: "The beauty of our collaboration with imec at Holst Centre — in this project and countless others — is that it is almost a symbiotic partnership. The request to us was clear: create a one-size-fits-all wearable (headset) that offers maximum comfort to the wearer, with maximum performance using their unique sensor technology. And, of course, the headset had to be attractive, discreet, advanced, and solid."

"One of the first challenges we encountered was in the creative phase," recalls Bastiaan Hemmes, Product Designer at GBO. "The shape and size of Japanese heads (and skulls) are generally different from our European heads. To create a headset that would fit comfortably on Japanese patients, we first had to conduct extensive research on the shape of Japanese heads."

"Secondly, imec had placed its sensors in what they (and we) saw as a discreet little box. However, that 'discreet' turned out to be quite large on the minimalist headband our designers had envisioned. So we asked imec to go back to the drawing board."

"This resulted in a sensor with an innovative and uniquely brush-like protruding surface* that pushes through a patient's hair and gently touches the skin underneath to perform accurate EEG measurements."


Bastiaan Hemmes working on the design of a prototype of the EEG headset.

Collaboration at its best

Bernard: "You could say that our work is done once we have realized a new innovation, such as the extremely sensitive and accurate wireless EEG amplifier. But the next step is just as important!"

Bastiaan adds: "Real-life applications often require something different or something additional to ensure that your innovation is truly functional and adds value."

Bernard: "It is precisely here that a partner like GBO brings in the collaboration and expertise needed to transform groundbreaking technology into groundbreaking, validated, and feasible products. The beauty of GBO is that they go beyond just the design phase and provide 'proof of concept' by actually producing the product."

The next step

Using mock-ups, GBO determined the final shape and the mechanism for size adjustment, as well as the user interaction details, such as the button connector and the LEDs. Based on a 3D CAD design, they then printed a prototype with their 3D printer for further testing and fine-tuning. The mock-ups were also tested in Japan on Japanese subjects.

In this way, GBO has succeeded in converting the sensor innovation into an exclusive, elegant and comfortable wearable with a unique electrode measurement technology. GBO subsequently produced an exclusive series of limited edition EEG headsets.

And the future?

Bernard: “Our innovations are easier to sell if their benefits and applications are demonstrated in a real use case scenario with a viable product. On the other hand: we are not in business to sell an end product. What makes our collaboration with GBO so unique is that – thanks to their award-winning attention to both functionality and aesthetics – their design helps us communicate what our innovations can bring to clients. Since we own all design patents, an additional advantage is that if the client likes the design, we can offer him both the technology and the blueprint for an end product.'

Bastiaan: 'Usually our freedom as designers is limited by brand guidelines or other product requirements. In our collaboration with imec, we get maximum freedom to design and help add value to real life applications with their technology. In the case of the headband, we were determined to create an iconic design for imec's Japanese client. And at the same time a design that is so ingenious that it can easily be adapted to be used for other measuring purposes.' 

Bernard: 'We are also working with them on other applications of sensor technology in consumer-like wearables, such as watches and glasses. And now we are working on creating a so-called 'investigational' device. We operate at the intersection of design and clinical studies. The goal is to create a minimalist wearable that offers patients maximum comfort, while clinicians can rely on proven sensor technology.'

Holst Centre / imec
Mood 8 - EEG Headset

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