Making technology tangible: Interview with Charlotte Kjellander

Charlotte Kjellander, researcher and team leader at TNO, is wearing the Solar t-shirt in the photo.

Holst Centre and GBO Innovation makers have been collaborating for years on fundamental technology for the future. Holst Centre in Eindhoven is a research and innovation center managed by imec from Belgium and TNO from the Netherlands. Charlotte Kjellander works as a researcher and team leader at TNO. The institution develops technology that addresses the global societal challenges of tomorrow and contributes to a healthier and more sustainable world. In this way, Holst Centre is the foundation of many innovations that have impacted and will impact large groups of people.

Researcher and team leader Charlotte Kjellander from TNO earned her master's degree in Chemical Technology in Sweden, during which she also worked in Lausanne, Switzerland. Her PhD thesis in Eindhoven focuses on the role of liquid crystals in creating displays. Much of the knowledge in this field comes from Eindhoven, often starting as a spin-off from Philips, frequently with the involvement of GBO Innovation makers.

Wearable electronics

"Undoubtedly the most exciting industry at the moment, even before Covid-19. There is still so much potential here, innovations and products that will greatly contribute to humanity. It's incredibly exciting and enjoyable to be a part of it."

“Actually, there are two major sectors in my field: smart patches and smart clothing. With smart patches, or Health Patches, we can measure vital signs directly on the skin. Think of heart rate, breathing, temperature, and so on. With smart clothing, we integrate electronics into the fabrics for measurements and for feedback to the user.”

“A typical design advantage is the Solar Shirt by Pauline van Dongen, a sweater with solar panels to charge a phone or camera. The design and functionality are eye-catching. Our Mysa relax shirt is more about truly smart clothing. We showcased this at CES in Las Vegas in early 2020. Nothing communicates as directly and clearly as skin contact.”

“It’s wonderful that we, as scientists, can bring new technologies and insights to the market. In this, we need GBO to some extent. As experts, the designers at GBO understand exactly what we are working on, and they can translate that beautifully into design. This helps us to offer concepts and new technologies. A product that appears ready for the market encourages potential customers to come up with their own applications.”

Accurately and ethically handling data

“Customers are changing; they are doing less of their own R&D. Even the major A-brands are asking for final designs due to the desire to see quick results from investments. Wearable technology is developing rapidly and is becoming increasingly rich in possibilities. Data and apps are almost inseparable from this. Nowadays, almost everyone immediately thinks of privacy, but that shouldn't be the end of it. There is also a benefit for the individual user who can read all that information from sensors, bring it together, and then analyze it.”

Charlotte Kjellander: “As a scientist, I primarily focus on the accuracy of the measurements and the precision of the algorithms. Data is an integral part of the new generation of products. Ethics is of great importance, especially for institutions with a scientific global reputation such as TNO and imec. That’s why this is well-regulated. In fact, users are allowed to measure anything on their own bodies. We have clear guidelines and solid protocols regarding the use of data. This applies from testing to the commercial transfer of technology.”

Purposeful partnership

Charlotte Kjellander: “It’s great when a partner technically understands what we want and can translate this into form and material. Touch and see is the result. The way we collaborate with GBO is particularly pleasant. I would call it purposeful; I believe you refer to that in the Netherlands as ‘straight to the goal.’ We always start by discussing the product idea and then work step by step through concepts to an end result in personal contact with you as designers and technological thinkers. It’s tightly directed but also effective, and in steps where necessary. This is how we like to work with you. Perhaps that purposeful approach is typically Dutch Design. Not writing everything down and delivering months later, but a lot of communication and reviewing sketches repeatedly. So when we reach the end result, it feels like something uniquely ours.”

"GBO Innovation makers often has a challenging task to fulfill under great time pressure. There are strict deadlines and high demands for delivery. Personally, I have never been disappointed with the amount of work, the steps taken, and the actual delivery by GBO. I also find the process to be particularly pleasant. Recently, I worked on a project with GBO. That was typically one of those cases of urgency, tight deadlines, and a beautiful result."

Human wearables

“Wearables are becoming more human. Human and personal. That’s why ethics are important, along with direct feedback, but not via data in the cloud. People have forgotten to listen to themselves during all the rapid technological advancements. How do we become more aware of the signals we still send and receive from our bodies? This can involve heart rate and temperature, but also muscle contractions. Of course, we love to create products that help people better understand and interpret their own signals. Those products must be 100 percent trustworthy.”

“Design agencies must be active in the digital transition. As a designer, you need to know the domain, be able to act broadly, and be aware of what data does to products. The complexity affects the user experience. Naturally, every organization is free to define its own role. GBO is an expert in the technology of prototypes and concepts, turning ideas into tangible products. It’s good to see that you are now also thinking about data.”

Holst Centre / imec
Mood 8 - EEG Headset

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